Weight Loss

Weight Loss

Achieve your health and fitness goals through individually tailored expert guidance

Start Today!

We’ll Coach You Every Step of the Way

Have you tried all of the various diet plans and still had no success losing the extra weight? On our doctor supervised Weight Loss Program you can safely lose 20-35 pounds in 30-60 days. Individual results vary.

J’Essential Health and Wellness is a certified clinic for this weight loss program. We monitor your progress so you can achieve your weight loss goals. We have seen AMAZING results! If you are serious about losing weight, you have got to try it!

Natural, effective weight loss with J'Essential Health and Wellness in Northern California
Weight Loss California

Our Weight Loss Program

  • Health Provider supervised weight loss program that will turn your body into a fat burning machine.
  • Most patients lose between 15-30 pounds and several inches off their midsection in 30-60 days. Individual results vary.
  • No pre-packaged foods or shakes.
  • No drugs or injections.
  • No exercise required.
  • Weekly weigh-ins, measurements, blood pressure and BMI calculations.
  • Helps you stay off medications and the potential side effects from those medications.

We offer:

  • Online Brain Health & Wellness Coaching
  • Online Wellness and Diet Coaching
  • Online Life Coaching
Vitamin B12 and Lipo Injections

Boost your energy and metabolism with an all-natural vitamin B12 injection.  Lipo-Vitamin D injections contain essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that help boost the metabolism and lower those cholesterol numbers!

Weight loss patient
[vc_udesign_quote quote_type=”quote_with_author” quote_symbol=”symbol_2″ quote_style=”dark” quote_title=”” author_image=”338″ author_img_location=”top_left” author_img_shape=”square” border_color=”#f5f5f5″ bg_color=”#f5f5f5″ text_color=”#262626″ author_name=”Joe D.” author_name_color=”#777777″ author_title=”Michigan” author_title_color=”#777777″ class=””]Thank you sooooo much! Dr. Jenny is a miracle worker that changes attitudes, inspires healthy lives, and coaches you up to feel great again![/vc_udesign_quote]

Questions? We’d love to talk with you!

[flat_button text=”Contact us Now!” title=”” url=”https://jessentialhealth.com/contact/” padding=”15px 20px” bg_color=”transparent” border_color=”#FFFFFF” border_width=”2px” text_color=”#FFFFFF” text_size=”14px” align=”right” target=”_blank”]